Thursday, November 09, 2006

True Story

The scene: I have just returned from a girls' night out. Coach, up uncharacteristically late, greets me at the door.

Coach: Did you miss Carolioness's birthday? Cause B's got a birthday post up.
Boss: No. Her birthday's not till Novemb--wait is it November already?
Coach: Yep.
Boss: Well her birthday's not until the 8th, which is...
Coach: Yesterday.
Boss: Oh. Oopsie! You'd think Halloween would have clued me in that October was coming to an end. I'm an idiot.

To make this true story even more ridiculous, two days ago I was just thinking, "It's been a while since I've done a birthday blog. October is long." Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Dum!

I'm sorry I'm such an idiot dear Carolioness. I hope you know that I love you, even though I don't know how to read a calendar. I will post a REAL birthday post for you very soon.


MMA Lady said...

Happy Birthday, Carolioness! By the way, am I wrong, or do I remember that Harvey and Pooka's firstborn has the same birthday as Carolioness? If so, what a doubly special day!!!!! That is, if I remembered it right.

Pooka said...

Oh, Boss, you are so amazing and impressive, I'm sure I'm not the ONLY one out there that is relieved to see a particle of myself coming from your direction. I forget the birthdays of people I LIVE WITH (just ask those who've had take over my afternoon work several times this very year so I could run off and get Birthday Stuff the afternoon thereof.) And you, my friend, have been finding photos and lengthy moments to compose tear-jerker prose in honor of each family member this year. Keep being super, Diana, but I'm sure glad 'life happens' at your house, too.

Anonymous said...

Dear Boss,
I am certain that your time in jail contributed to the lapse of memory. That kind of event will throw even the most hardened criminal "off her game"! Well I've got to run so I can get this posted before Halloween.