Last night I mentioned to Boss that I wanted to write a post articulating all my grumbles about people in this country wanting to have their cake and eat it too. After making bad decisions about home loans, people want to be bailed out and banks want to be bailed out. They chose the road to the high profit/cheap payment up front knowing full well that there was a risk involved, but when the risk comes into true play they cry foul and want the government to "save" them from themselves. Frankly, it makes me a little bit angry.
It reminds me, I told Boss, of the democratic delegate situation in Michigan and Florida. Those states violated party rules specifically calculating the increased impact having an early spotlight in the race would offer them. They decided rules couldn't hold them back from grubbing up all the weight they could in choosing the next president. That was their choice. But NOW, of course, it's all changed. There are daily sermons on how every voice needs to be heard, every vote counted, how it would be tragic NOT to count their votes that they freely gave up through their deliberate grab for early influence. Again, it makes me angry.
While I was supporting Romney during the primary I saw some clips from Glenn Beck that were pretty fair minded. I never knew anything about him before that. Today sealed the deal of my fanhood when I read his column that voices essentially my exact opinion here, including precisely these two examples. So, my post can be much shorter. Just read his.
I'm also annoyed by the Michigan and Florida democratic parties who suddenly want their votes to count, particularly because Clinton only won Florida because she broke her promise not to campaign there, but I am bothered by the fact that there are certainly a lot of voters in both states who had nothing to do with the decision to hold the primaries early but still suffer the consequences. It's just an incredibly stupid situation overall.
Right on! It's about time we took a little responsibility, at home, in the work place, and in the nation. We need to teach our children how to take responsibilty, also. The only way to have real power is by taking responsibility for your actions. We need to be proactive, not reactive, or worse, inactive.
Mrs. Zootenhorst
I totally agree with you Coach. I've been feeling the same thing, especially about the mortgage buyout stuff. Why should we pay for someone who makes bad business decisions and people who take on too much debt and know it. I've been a fan of Glenn Beck for quite some time and watch him almost every night on CNN. I had to cut down at times because the state of our society is just insane and highlighted every day on his show. But I do love what he has to say about a lot of topics.
Granted, I have been somewhat out of the political loop in the past few weeks, but I could NOT believe it when I heard that they are thinking of allowing a "do-over" in Florida and Michigan! So what I want to know is , is there anyway that I, as little Jane Doe in the political sense, can help make it known that Rules should be followed, consequences enforced and Florida and Michigan should not be allowed a do-over?
Thanks for posting you post and the link to Becks article too!
I don't know if anything in particular can be done. Frankly, hadn't thought about DOING something, I'm more into just stalling at the indignation phase. :-) Maybe write your political party leadership, I suppose. They're the ones who set the rules and now are facing the dilemma of whether to break them. Obviously, your impact on the democratic party may be minimal if you are not a democrat!
Great post, Coach (and Glenn). It makes me sad for our country, and discouraged as a parent that our leadership doesn't set a responsible example. Already from my child I hear, "Why should we be on time when x,y, & z always come late?" Apparently there are plenty of overgrown kids out there who figure, "Why should I be fiscally responsible when the government isn't?"
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