Friday, June 16, 2006

Milkbones and crackers

Packing with a toddler is great fun. It's pretty much like packing twice. Maybe even three times. Sam is eager to help out wherever he can by chucking whatever he happens to have into the box currently being filled. "Here's this peanut butter jar, Dad. That should go well with the plates." But if you happen to be packing something that captures his attention and looks amusing, well, you'd better just accept that it's not going in a closed box anytime soon. Take for example, the smelly spices Sam found in a half-packed box. Well, at least we don't have to repack those.

Malcom has helped us pack a bit too. His dog food ran out last night and so he got a bowl of milkbones for dinner last night. Next thing we know, he's deposited them in nooks and crannies all over the house, no doubt including some of the partially filled boxes. He and Sam seem to have a common instinctive need to hoard the good snacks for a rainy day. Sam has taken to depositing one or two Ritz crackers in each box between layers of clothes or piles of papers. Thanks to the two of them, I'm pretty sure unpacking in Akron will be just like Christmas--full of surprises.


Pooka said...

I am doggone impressed that you sound so calm about Sam's samba with the spices. I'm sure you had a flash of "I'm sure this'll seem funny in ten years but NOT right now!!" because you even had the foresight to TAKE A PICTURE. Wow! That's so great!! And really, really funny for all the rest of us who didn't actually have to clean it all up. That may sound mean, but I've had enough of those flashes and don't need to borrow anyone else's.

Best of luck, you guys. Hats off to the fabulous four! ...especially the two biggest ones...

Harvey said...

I seem to remember stories of someone in the family throwing candy randomly around her bedroom so she could be happy when she found it later, so Malcolm and Sam aren't the first to like to save good things for a time of possible future need.

Peanut said...

Mmmmm, spices! Glad to hear the whole family is involved in helping pack. :)

MMA Lady said...

I have vivid memories of when I was packing for the move to CA, and Chicken Nugget found my permanent marker that I was using to label boxes - and she labeled herself. That was helpful. In case we didn't know where to put her later.

Ree said...

Isn't nice to have a couple of helpers?!