Sunday, October 08, 2006

Chalk drawings

When Daisy stayed with me last summer, we each made a list of things we'd like to do while she was in town. The items on our indivual lists ranged from easily executed (go bowling) to overly ambitious (finish scrapbook), but we had a lot of fun doing what we could to accomplish our "goals." One item on Daisy's list was to do sidewalk chalk drawings with Sam. We bought the supplies, but Sam wasn't into the whole drawing thing at the time. And we ran out of summer too quickly.

Over the last year, however, Sam's artistic talents have blossomed. A couple weeks ago, I dug out the sidewalk chalk and let Sam have a go. He had a great time.

He colored in shapes and pointed out letters and told us what he wanted us to draw (mostly garbage cans and trucks).

He also did some origninal work of his own. I hate to brag (well, I mostly hate it), but he drew those blue lines above all by himself!

We were having so much fun that some friends from the neighborhood soon joined us. I put them right to work so I could stand around looking pregnant.

Coach kept himself busy drawing everything in the world. He's good, huh?

Thanks, Daisy, for the inspiration! Sam sure misses you! And I do to.


Ree said...

I thought it was Teresa the bookie that stayed with you last summer. But that was a good idea anyway. You look cute pregnant. And Coach and Sam look cute too--not pregnant.

Boss said...

Oh yeah. It was Teresa the Bookie. With all the mobsters coming and going all the time, it's hard to keep them straight.

Also, I'm pretty sure you look cute pregnant too.

Peanut said...

You do look cute pregnant, Boss. Plus, those are some nice blue lines that Sam drew all by himself. Nice work!

MMA Lady said...

I love sidewalk chalk! I am sure your neighbors love your fun and sharing family. I wish I was your next-door neighbor!

Paul said...

Heh, Coach appears to be taking after me in the sidewalk chalk department. I'm glad to know I could be an inspiration. (Many years ago when both Man and I were at BYU, we did a sidewalk chalk drawing that included the earth the earth.)